Gift Assessment and Funding the Advancement of UMSON
To aid our advancement efforts and to follow the best practices in university development, the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) will implement a 6 percent gift assessment effective July 1, 2015 on all new gifts and pledges.
Below, we answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding the gift assessment.
The University of Maryland School of Nursing is a successful – and state funded – school. Why do you need to generate additional funding?
Though UMSON is a state institution, only a small percentage of our budget is funded by the state. We depend on tuition, fees, grants, and private philanthropy to keep the School operational.
The State of Maryland and the University of Maryland, Baltimore are faced with serious budget challenges; UMSON’s budget has been cut by approximately 3 percent this fiscal year. To avoid additional layoffs and loss of services, UMSON had to seek different ways to diversify and increase revenue.
The new gift assessment will help to fund UMSON’s integral development and alumni relations operation. This will help to ensure that the School is able to encumber essential funds for scholarships, community programs, research, and faculty support, as well as provide robust programming and opportunities for our more than 20,000 alumni.
What is the new gift assessment?
Beginning July 1, 2015, a one-time fee of 6 percent will be assessed to all new gifts and pledges to UMSON. The 6 percent will be allocated to a fund that will support the operations of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
Have other universities taken this approach to funding advancement?
A gift assessment exists in many universities across the country. Most gift assessment rates range from 3 to 25 percent. The University of Maryland School of Medicine implemented a 6 percent gift assessment in 2013.
Are any gifts exempt from the assessment?
Yes. Some exceptions include:
- Grants and sponsored research
- Sponsorships and event fees
- Gifts in kind
- Maryland Charity and United Way donations
- Payments on pledges, including planned gifts, executed prior to July 1, 2015
Other questions? We’d be happy to discuss the new gift assessment with you. Please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 410-706-7640.