Compliance FAQs

Background Checks and Drug Tests

What happens if my background check and/or drug test is positive?

If a background check is positive, the legal coordinator and the associate dean of the student’s program will meet to discuss the viability of continuing in the program.

If a student receives a positive drug test, the student will be counseled on their rights to challenge the results of the test.

See the UMSON Student Handbook for more information.

Where do I go for my drug test?

You will receive a lab form for the lab closet to the ZIP code provided during order placement. UMSON partners with LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics for student drug screenings.

What happens if I do not go to a Lab Corp or Quest Diagnostics facility?

If you do not complete your screening through one of the affiliated labs, we will not be able to report your results because they were not processed through the proper medical review channels required by our clinical partners.

How long does it take to complete my background check and/or drug test?

The background check typically takes three business days and begins as soon as you finalize your order. Drug test results will automatically post to your account three to five business days after you submit your sample to the proper facility.

I received an email from the approved vendor asking if I would like an international or expedited background check. What does this mean?

International background checks are not required. Unless requested by a clinical site or UMSON personnel, you do not need to expedite your background check.

I have a background check from my employer, previous institution, or other entity. OR I have a background check from another school already on my EXXAT account. Can I use those results from UMSON?

No, all background checks and drug tests must be ordered and processed through the approved vendor. Per state law, UMSON personnel cannot view your background check results, which must be vetted through the approved vendor.

I will not have a clinical/practicum course for a year or more into my degree program; do I still need to purchase a background check and drug test prior to my first semester?

Yes, background checks and drug tests are required at your time of enrollment to be in compliance with UMSON policy. Some clinical sites may require you to purchase an updated background check and/or drug test later in your program based on their individual needs.


Why was my Hepatitis B series rejected?

Student health requires proof of a positive Hepatitis B titer results from within the past 24 months. You can upload the series as it is in progress; however, to complete the requirement, a positive titer must be provided. Students can attend clinical with at least two of the vaccines submitted.

My Hepatitis B titer is negative; what should I do?

If your titer is negative or equivocal, you have two options:

  • Repeat the series and repeat the titer at least six weeks after the third dose.

  • Receive a booster vaccine and repeat the titer at least six weeks later. If your titer is still negative, you will need to repeat the full series and repeat the titer.

When is flu season? When is the flu vaccine due?

Flu season is traditionally from September - May. If you were admitted for the fall semester, you can submit your flu vaccine any time after Sept. 1. If you were admitted for the spring semester, submit your current flu immunization documentation.

The flu vaccine is a requirement that must be renewed annually with the current season’s vaccine by Sept. 25. If your clinical site requires you to receive the flu vaccine prior to the UMSON deadline, you must comply with their request.

Other Compliance Issues

I am not enrolled in a clinical course and/or program; do I still need to order the compliance tracker from EXXAT?

All students, regardless of program or course progression, must become and remain compliant through EXXAT.

What is the compliance deadline?

The deadline varies for each semester, but the student should be compliant by the deadline that has been set for the current term. Please see the deadline on the Compliance homepage

What happens if I am not compliant before the start of the semester?

If you are not compliant by the compliance deadline, you will be dropped from any of your clinical/practicum courses and their corequisites. UMB Student Health may also place a registration hold on your account, meaning you will be unable to register for the next semester until it has been resolved.

What type of CPR certification do I need to have?

Per our clinical partners, we can only accept CPR certifications from:

  • American Heart Association BLS Providers

I have an UMSON package from another program. Can I re-use the same package?

All students must order the package required for their current program. You will have access to your documents, which can be used to fulfill the requirements of your new package.