Promoting Your Research Through UMSON

How to Recruit UMSON Participants for Your Research Through UMSON

For UMSON Employees

  • UMSON-employed researchers must follow their IRB-approved recruitment plan.
  • If targeting UMSON employees for recruitment, the UMB and UMSON Elm Weekly e-newsletters, hard copy flyers, and e-board digital display bulletins are advised.
  • Email solicitation is not permitted.

See the FAQs below for more information.

How can I promote my research to UMSON students/faculty/staff?
IRB-approved research advertisements may be posted on bulletin boards (hard copy) throughout the School, on the e-board digital displays, and in the UMB and UMSON Elm Weekly e-newsletters. Note: The IRB must have approved the advertisement itself and its intended distribution plan.

Can I promote my research through email to UMSON students/faculty/staff?
UMSON prohibits email solicitation of research participation.

Can I promote my research to students during a class?
To promote research during a class, you must first obtain documented permission from the appropriate academic dean (BSN, MSN, DNP, or PhD).

Can research promotions be posted on various e-board digital displays throughout UMB?
Yes, to display your advertisements on e-boards throughout UMB, you must submit a digital display request.

How can researchers secure a table to promote their research at UMSON?
To request a table in the UMSON building in Baltimore, email your request to Enjoli Sonnier.

How can I submit to The Elm?
You can submit to The Elm through a self-service submission form. Be sure to review the guidelines for submitting.

Is there a policy regarding the distribution of research-related advertisements for UMSON researchers?
Currently, there is not a policy specific to UMSON researchers who wish to distribute research related advertisements.

Who can I contact for advice on my recruitment plan?
Please reach out to Casey Jackson, UMSON research quality manager, or the UMB HRPO at for advice on recruitment plans.

What is the best way to reach the largest audience at UMSON?
The best way to reach a large audience is through the UMB and UMSON Elm Weekly e-newsletters and e-boards throughout UMB.

Is there an opportunity to have my research advertisements promoted on UMSON social media accounts?
Research advertisements are not promoted on the School’s social media platforms.

When will my research promotions (Elm, Digital Displays) be published electronically?

  • Elm announcements are due Wednesday for following Monday publication.
  • Digital displays post about 2-7 days after submission.

How long will my published research promotions last?

  • Electronic promotions (Elm, Digital Displays) vary in terms of publication length. If you still have questions regarding length of promotional posting after reviewing the information on the guidelines and submission forms, please contact the UMSON Office of Communications at
  • Hard copy flyers should be taken down by the researcher once the research is no longer recruiting. The Office of Research and Scholarship reserves the right to remove flyers that appear obsolete.

For Non-UMSON Employees

Non-UMSON employees who wish to promote their research at UMSON to target UMSON employees, students, and/or alumni must follow the UMSON Guideline for Distribution of Research-Related Advertisements from Researchers Not Affiliated with UMSON.

  • Researchers must follow their IRB-approved recruitment plan.
  • When recruiting UMSON employees, students, and/or alumni, we recommend using The Elm Weekly e-newsletter and/or hard-copy flyers.
  • This may require you to modify your IRB-approved recruitment plan if not described and approved in advance.
  • Email solicitation for research recruitment at UMSON is not permitted.

See the FAQs below for more information.

How can I promote my research to UMSON faculty, students, or alumni?
Research promotion requests are vetted by the UMSON Office of Research and Scholarship. Please follow the UMSON Guidelines for Distribution of Research-Related Advertisements from Researchers Not Affiliated with UMSON. Submit your request to and include the materials required by the guideline.

Can an UMSON employee assist me in recruiting UMSON faculty, students, or alumni for my research via email solicitation?
UMSON prohibits email solicitation of research participation.

Do my research advertisements need to be IRB approved prior to being distributed?
The research and its intended advertisements must be approved by the IRB of record prior to being distributed. Note: The IRB must have approved the advertisement itself and its intended distribution plan. Should your plan not describe e-newsletter distribution (e.g., The Elm), then a modification to your plan is likely warranted. Please reach out to your IRB for guidance.

What channels are available to promote research participation opportunities?
Research participation can be promoted through The Elm: Nursing. UMSON maintains a school-specific subsite of the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) The Elm, a community-sourced website providing internally focused content to UMB audiences in the categories of Stories, Events, Announcements, Accolades, and more. The Elm: School of Nursing newsletter is a digest of content submitted to The Elm: Nursing during the previous week and is distributed weekly to UMSON faculty, staff, and students.

How can I submit to The Elm?
To submit to The Elm, follow the procedures on the UMSON Guideline for Distribution of Research-Related Advertisements from Researchers Not Affiliated with UMSON.
Note: You must send a formal request to the UMSON Office of Research and Scholarship at

If you would like to recruit students or alumni, you will also need to obtain permission from the associate dean for the appropriate group.

What is the best way to reach the largest audience at UMSON for solicitation of research participation opportunities?
The best way to reach a large audience is to promote through The Elm.

Is there an opportunity to publish my ads related to research participation on the School’s social media accounts?
Research participation opportunities are not posted to the School’s social media platforms.

Can I recruit UMSON students for my research during a class?
To recruit during a class, you must first obtain permission from the appropriate academic dean (BSN, MSN, DNP, or PhD).

When will my research promotions be published on the Elm?
Elm announcements are due by end of day Wednesday for publication in the newsletters the following week.

How long will my published research promotions last?

  • Announcements in The Elm vary in terms of length of run.
  • If you still have questions regarding length of promotional posting after reviewing the information on the guidelines and submission forms, please contact the UMSON Office of Communications at