The Global Learning to Advance Health Equity Network is based at the University of Maryland, Baltimore as a collaboration between the University of Maryland School of Nursing and the Center for Global Engagement.
A 3-part webinar series:
- A Vision of Global Learning for Health Equity
- Voices of Experience: Learning from Global Learning for Health Equity Practitioner
- Voice of Experience: Learning from Global Learning for Health Equity Framework Developers and Funders
There is no registration fee.
The United States continues to lag behind other high-income countries on significant health indicators, including infant mortality, chronic disease, and overall mortality, largely due to health and health care inequities. Interventions designed to eliminate health inequity in other countries may also work in local communities in the U.S. The Global Learning for Health Equity Network, supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is an effort to build a framework that will advance the adaptation of health equity interventions from overseas to U.S. settings with a strong focus on community engagement and bidirectional learning.
The Global Learning for Health Equity Network is based at the University of Maryland, Baltimore with collaborating partners in the Athens Ohio Department of Public Health, the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Health System, and the Navajo Nation in the Four Corners region of the Southwest.
The focus of the three-part webinar series is to study global learning from multiple perspectives to inform the development of a toolkit designed to support the demand and uptake of global learning for health equity. The sessions will include opportunities for participant questions and interact with panelists.