Give to UMSON

Advancing the science of nursing.

Advancing the science of nursing.

To shape the profession of nursing and the health care environment by developing leaders in education, research, and practice — this is the University of Maryland School of Nursing's mission.

In the pursuit of excellence and collaboration, the School of nursing engages faculty, staff, and students in addressing local, national, and global health priorities. Together, they create a vibrant working and learning environment where knowledge is created and shared and where a passion for discovery permeates the educational process and advances the use of evidence as the basis for practice.

The University of Maryland, Baltimore is a driving force, promoting social justice, improving health, and serving the public good of Maryland and the region. Your gift will serve as a stimulus to help:

  • Drive innovation, ingenuity, and understanding
  • Encourage people to dream, discover, and dare in the never-ending quest to advance and benefit humanity
  • Support our work in generating Big Ideas that create Big Change in pain research, addiction treatment, critical disease research and care, social entrepreneurship, and community engagement
  • Provide students and faculty with the resources to reach out into their communities and make the world a better place

Help us drive change in the future of health care and champion the profession of nursing.

Honor Someone Special

auditorium seat with plaque in honor of an alumni

Name an UMSON auditorium seat in honor of a friend, family member, classmate, or yourself. Donations ($400 each; $700 for a pair) include an inscribed brass plaque on the arm of the chair. Contact us at 410-706-2579 or email

Louisa Parsons Legacy Society

vintage photo of louisa parsons

The Louisa Parsons Legacy Society has been honoring the pioneering visions of the woman who established the University of Maryland School of Nursing in 1889.

Learn More
"... this financial support brings me closer to achieving my goal of being a geriatric nurse practitioner." Jade Kim, BSN, RN, CCRN