It is time to nominate yourself or one of your colleagues to serve on the Executive Board of the UMSON Staff Council. Nominations will be open until May 28, 2024.
Staff Council Executive Board Functions:
- Meets with the Dean monthly
- Presents Staff Council updates during the biannual All-School meetings
- Provides updates from Governance Council and Academic Student Affairs Council and votes on agenda items with the best interest of staff in mind
- Meets on a monthly basis to create agenda for the Staff Council meeting
- Reviews and revises bylaws and presents them to the Staff Council for review and approval; provides any additional revisions of bylaws to the council
- Establishes a Nominations/Elections Subcommittee to accept nominations, conduct elections, and announce results
Criteria for Executive Board Members:
The staff member must:
- be a full-time employee
- have been employed at UMSON for at least six months
- be an active member of the Staff Council
- get approval from their supervisor before confirming the nomination.
Chair (one-year term)
- Presides over all Staff Council meetings
- Co-Chairs the All-School meeting with the Faculty Council Chair
- Meets with the Faculty Council Chair on a regular basis to discuss pertinent information that affects both faculty and staff
- Creates meeting agendas for meetings with the Dean
- Serves as the primary contact for the Staff Council
- Sets goals and objectives for the Staff Council
- Serves as the liaison between the Dean and Staff Council
- Casts a vote in meetings only in the case of a tie
- Serves as a voting member of the UMSON Governance Council
- Serves as a voting member of the UMSON Academic Student Affairs Council
- Participates in New Employee Orientation, giving the presentation for Staff Council
- Recruits new members for the Staff Council
If the Chair position becomes vacant, the Chair-Elect will fulfill the position.
Chair-Elect (one-year term followed by one year as Chair)
- Functions as the “Chair-in-training” and prepares to assume the responsibilities of Chair in the following fiscal year
- Fulfills Chair duties when the Chair is absent or if that position becomes vacant
- Assists the Chair in the execution of his/her duties
- Serves as a voting member of the UMSON Governance Council
- Serves as a liaison to the committee chairs (Community Services, Professional Development, and Staff Enhancement)
- Participates in New Employee Orientation, leading the tour of UMSON
- Recruits new members for the Staff Council
If the Chair-Elect position becomes vacant, the Immediate Past Chair will fulfill the position until the next election.
Secretary (one-year term)
- Assures that an agenda has been prepared by the Chair
- Distributes the agenda and relevant documents at least one week prior to the next planned meeting
- Prepares and provides the previous meeting’s written minutes to Council members at least one week prior to the next meeting and records any changes or corrections
- Assures that documents are filed and accessible
- Schedules and notifies Staff Council members of upcoming meetings, reserves room, creates calendar appointment, and creates Webex link
- Keeps register of active members and holds members accountable for attending meetings
- Develops and edits all website content
- Promotes Staff Council events
- Participates in New Employee Orientation, leading the tour of UMSON
- Recruits new members for the Staff Council
If the Secretary position becomes vacant, the Treasurer will fulfill the position until the next election.
Business Coordinator (one-year term)
- Works with Administrative Services to facilitate purchases and/or reimbursements on behalf of the Staff Council
- Attends meetings and coordinates Ice Breaker activity
- Actively participates in Staff Council committees (voluntary)
- Plans, promotes, and coordinates Executive Board nominations and elections for the following fiscal year
- Plans and coordinates Door Decorating Contest and creates the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place award with the help of the Office of Communications team.
- Participates in New Employee Orientation, leading the tour of UMSON
- Recruits new members for the Staff Council
If the Treasurer position becomes vacant, the Immediate Past Chair will fulfill the position until the next election.
Immediate Past Chair
- Provides assistance and continuity to the incoming Chair
- Performs the annual review of the Bylaws
- All duties above as assigned