Barbara Resnick, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP

Barbara Resnick, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP
  • Professor
    Organizational Systems and Adult Health
  • Associate Dean for Research
    Office of the Dean
  • Co-Director, Postdoctoral Program
    Research and Scholarship

Distinguished University Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Sonya Ziporkin Gershowitz Chair in Gerontology

Room 402A, School of Nursing Building

Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research

  • Date:
    2016 - 2021
    Implementation of EIT-4-BPSD in Nursing Homes
    Sponsoring Organization:
    Multiple Principal Investigator
  • Date:
    2016 - 2021
    Dissemination and Implementation of Function Focused Care for Assisted Living
    Sponsoring Organization:

Research Interests

  • Motivation in Older Adults
    Optimizing Function and Physical Activity
    Health Promotion
    Dissemination and Implementation Research


  • Resnick, B. M., Yerges-Armstrong, L., Orwig, D., Hochberg, M., klinedinst, J., Gruber-Baldini, A., et al. (2019, March 1). Genotype, resilience and function and physical activity post hip fracture. . International Journal of Orthopedics and Trauma Nursing.
  • Resnick, B. M., Kolanowski, A., Van Haitsma, K., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Ellis, J., et al. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring)). Reliability and avlidity of the Knowledge of Person Centered Behavioral approaches for BPSD test. . Journal of Nursing Measurement.
  • Resnick, B. M., Kolanowski, A., Van Haitsma, K., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Ellis, J., et al. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring)). Reliability and avlidity of the Knowledge of Person Centered Behavioral approaches for BPSD test. . Journal of Nursing Measurement.
  • Resnick, B. M., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Holmes, S., Fix, s., Zhu, S., et al. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 1). Psychometric Testing of the Function Focused Environment Assessment and the Function Focused Policy Assessment in Assisted Living . Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 33 (2), 153-172.
  • Resnick, B. M., Boltz, M., Galik, E., Vigne, E., Fix, s. & Zhu, S. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 29). The impact of physical activity and function on falls in assisted living. . Journal of Aging and Physical Activity., online first.
  • Resnick, B. M., Kolanowski, A., Van Haitsma, K., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Ellis, J., et al. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring)). Reliability and avlidity of the Knowledge of Person Centered Behavioral approaches for BPSD test. . Journal of Nursing Measurement.
  • Resnick, B. M., Kolanowski, A., Van Haitsma, K., Galik, E. & Ellis, J. (2018, February). Testing the evidence integration triangle for implementation of interventions to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with dementia: protocol for a pragmatic trial. Research in Nursing and Health.
  • Resnick, B. M., Boltz, M., Galik, E., Holmes, S., Vigne, E., Fix, S., et al. (2019, January (1st Quarter/Winter)). Pain assessment, management and impact among older adults in assisted living. . Pain Management Nursing.
  • Resnick, B. M., Kolanowski, A., Van Haitsma, K., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Ellis, J., et al. (2019, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 3). Current psychotropic medicaiton use and contributing factors among nursing home residents with cognitive impairment . Clinical Nursing.
  • Resnick, B. M., Galik, E., Boltz, M., Fix, S., Vigne, E., Zhu, S., et al. (2018, December 1). Polypharmacy in assisted living and impact on clinical outcomes . Consultant Pharmacist, 33 (6), 321-330.

Areas of Specialization

  • Geriatrics


  • Name:
    2017 American Geriatrics Society Recipient of the David H. Solomon Memorial Public Service Award.
    Sponsoring organization:
    American Geriatrics Society
    May 2017
  • Name:
    Johns Hopkins Leader in Aging Award
    Sponsoring organization:
    Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
    May 2018
  • Name:
    Loretta Ford Award
    Sponsoring organization:
    Fellowship of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
    June 2018
  • Name:
    Powell Lawton Award
    Sponsoring organization:
    Gerontological Society of America
    November 2019
  • Name:
    Powell Lawton Award
    Sponsoring organization:
    Gerontological Society of America
    November 2019