Military and Veteran Services

A Legacy of Service

Our founder, Louisa Parsons, had a decorated military career and was awarded the Royal Red Cross, the highest honor bestowed on nurses in Britain. She laid the foundation for future UMSON nurses who have served in every major military engagement since the Spanish-American War in 1898.

Read more about our military history.


  • 9% of our students have served, currently serve, or are a dependent
  • 9% of our faculty and staff have served or are currently serving

(Above data is from self-reported sources.)

We recognize the valuable knowledge, education, and experience you've gained through your service. We’re here to help you take the next step in your journey.

At the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON), we are proud to have veterans, members of the military, and their dependents among our student population, and we are committed to helping you gain an excellent nursing education.

Our staff is familiar with the responsibilities of military personnel and can assist you with:

  • obtaining early admission decisions
  • completing your education benefit paperwork
  • taking military service leave if you're deployed.


  • Many of our programs are flexible to facilitate part- or full-time study.
  • Several faculty members have recent military experience, including combat experience, and may be available to mentor you through your educational journey.
  • We have a robust relationship with the Baltimore VA Medical Center, which is located within the University of Maryland, Baltimore footprint.
Veteran Insight

Check out UMSON alumnae, General Peggy Wilmoth's Journey in Nursing and Military Leadership on the UMB Pulse Podcast.

Listen Here

Yellow Ribbon Program

We are a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program, a provision of the G.I. Bill that provides assistance with education expenses. We offer up to $1,200 to 10 qualified students each year, and the VA matches those funds

Principles of Excellence icon

Principles of Excellence

We are committed to Executive Order 13607, which established the Principles of Excellence for educational institutions serving servicemembers, veterans, spouses, and other family members.

More Information

Admissions Information for Military/Veteran Students

Below you will find important information and guidelines for military applicants.

Early Consideration Request

Military applicants seeking a decision outside of their program of interest stated review cycle may request an early review of their application by the Admission Committee. The request for early review does not guarantee that the Admissions Committee will be able to grant an early decision. Individuals requesting an early review should:

  1. Review the School of Nursing website to determine deadlines, timelines, and required application materials.
  2. Submit an application and all required application materials.
  3. Complete the required Early Decision Request Form.

Applicants will be notified within 10 business days if the request for early review can be accommodated. If the request cannot be accommodated, the applicant will be reviewed during the normal review cycle.

In-State Classification

Military applicants can be considered for in-state classification. For more information, please refer to the Office of Registrar's Residency website.

Competency-Based Education

UMSON does not accept competency-based education and prior learning to fulfill nursing degree requirements. Military applicants may use Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) scores to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Please contact the Office of Admissions and Student Scholarships to determine the required score for each of the respective subject/content areas.

Application Process for the Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program (NECP)

Military personnel who wish to apply to UMSON and the Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program (NECP) have the option to request an early decision to meet the NECP deadline. However, if requesting a decision outside of the normal period, military personnel must still meet all requirements and complete all necessary steps.

Important details to note:

  • The Fall deadline for applications is Dec. 1.
  • All applications will be reviewed starting on Dec. 1, and decisions will be released by Dec. 15.
  • If requesting an early decision, a completed Form 48 must be attached to the Early Decision request form. The courses listed on Form 48 should be in the same order as the Prerequisite Course List.
  • It is important to complete the full UMSON application by the NECP deadline or earlier. If admitted provisionally, you will not receive a letter stating that you have met all requirements until UMSON receives proof via an official transcript.
  • For those who receive an early decision, compliance with the 14-day confirmation deadline is mandatory. Failure to submit all necessary documents or not listing all schools attended will result in the denial of the request for an early decision. The reviewing committee will not consider incomplete files or late requests. Please note that a deferral is not granted in the case of not being accepted to the NECP.

Veterans Affairs (VA) Certifying

The Office of Student and Academic Services assists students with Veterans Administration (VA) education benefits.

Complete First:

  1. Applied to UMSON and was accepted for admission.
  2. Enrolled for classes relevant to degree program.
  3. Received a Certificate of Eligibility from the VA.

Certification Process:

All students using G.I. Bill benefits must have their enrollment certified by the UMSON School Certifying Official to receive their educational benefits. To initiate the certification process, you must complete a VA Declaration of Intent.

Completion of Required Forms:

All new students interested in using VA education benefits must submit the following documentation and forms prior to the start of the semester enrolled.

  • Copy of Certificate of Eligibility
  • Copy of Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty: Form DD214*
  • Copy of Change of Program/Place of Training: Form 22-1995 or 22-5495.* Student should submit form to the Department of Veterans Affairs prior to requesting certification.
  • Authorization of Certification of Entrance/Reentrance Form 28-1905 (if Chapter 31) with case manager's approval. Request for Supplies Form 28-1905m*

*If applicable 

Tips and Reminders:

  • Ensure your program is approved for VA benefits via WEAMS.
  • If you've previously used your benefits at another institution, click here to fill out the 22-1995 form and transfer them to ODU.
  • To receive your VA benefits, you need to apply here.
  • Submit your VA Declaration of Intent every semester.

Additional Chapters Information

It is recommended that all veterans review the GI Bill® web site. For comprehensive VA Education Benefits counseling, send an email inquiry, or call the VA at 1-888-GIBILL1. If you have questions pertaining to payment, availability of benefits, or approvals, please call the regional VA Office at 1-888-442-4551.

Military and Veteran Applicants FAQs

Where can I find more information about the education benefits available to veterans?

You can visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website or contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 (1-888-GI-Bill-1) and speak with a veterans benefits counselor.

What VA Benefit Program should I choose and what is the payment rate? 

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has a comparison of VA education benefit programs and payment rates. It is recommended that before choosing a program you consult with your veterans benefits counselor through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  

How do I apply for VA education benefits?

After consulting with your veterans benefits counselor, apply for benefits online.

If I will be using Chapter 31 benefits (Vocational Rehabilitation program), what guidelines must I follow? 

Chapter 31 veterans are evaluated through the Baltimore Regional Veterans Office. Upon completion of the evaluation and determination of eligibility is established, a purchase order, VA Form 28-1905 (Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Re-entrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status Form), will be provided to the school and the student. The school can only certify the student for the specific program and dates listed on the VA Form 28-1905. Please call the Baltimore Regional Veterans Affairs Office at 1-800-827-1000 for inquiries.

How will I know if my enrollment certification has been approved by UMSON?

You will receive an email from confirming the date of your certification.

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) hasn’t received my VA payment yet. What should I do about my student bill? 

UMB Student Accounting will notify you of your pending VA payment. Shane Dubiel, UMB accountant, is available to assist with questions about your bill and VA payment.  You can contact Shane at 410-706-1337.

How long does it take for the VA to submit payment to UMB once I’m certified? 

The VA takes 6-9 weeks to process your certification once the School of Nursing files it electronically.

Who do I notify if I add or drop classes?

You must notify any time your enrollment status changes. 

How can non-residents qualify for in-state status? 

Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines are eligible for in-state tuition. If you are an active, full-time member of the Armed Forces, are stationed in the state of Maryland, and have the appropriate documentation, you are eligible for in-state tuition charges. The UMB Office of the Registrar determines in-state status.

Who will provide me with my book stipend?

The VA will pay you directly for the book stipend and, if applicable, the housing allowance. 

How will I receive my "kicker" if I am eligible?

The VA will automatically pay the "kicker" funds once they have processed your semester enrollment certification. Please contact the VA directly if you have any questions concerning this funding. 

Will the VA reimburse me for taking the NCLEX exam? 

Yes, the VA offers reimbursement for licensing and certification.

How many months of VA education benefits do I have remaining?

To find out, you must contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 (1-888-GI-Bill-1) or visit   

Where do I submit my Tuition Assistance forms?

The Tuition Assistance forms must be submitted to UMB Accountant Shane Dubiel. You can contact Shane at 410-706-1337.

Please visit the VA FAQ page for more information specific to your benefits.

Additional Resources

Veteran Affairs Certification Team

School Certifying Official: LaToya McCoy

“You give back in the military, and that continues into civilian life. You can always learn something new.” Retired Capt. Diana Cangelosi, MS ’17

Read More from Military and Veteran Alumni


Please reach out to us if you need any assistance.

I Need Help With … Contact
  • Admissions Procedures

Office of Admissions and Student Scholarships 

  • VA Education Benefits
  • Veteran-Specific Scholarships

Office of Scholarships and Grants

  • Call-Up Procedures
  • Residency Status
Office of the Registrar and Student Placements
  • Tuition Assistance Forms
Shane Dubiel
University of Maryland, Baltimore accountant