Admissions Policies and FAQs

Applicants Without a U.S Degree & International Applicants

English Proficiency Requirement:
All applicants without a U.S. high school diploma or a U.S. college degree must provide proof of English proficiency by taking an English proficiency test. Prior experience in the U.S. or completion of English coursework does not exempt applicants from this requirement.

International Transcript Evaluation:
Applicants with coursework completed outside the U.S. must submit an official transcript evaluation through a recognized international credit evaluation service that is a member of NACES. The evaluation must be sent directly to the University of Maryland School of Nursing by the service provider and include:

  • A course-by-course evaluation.
  • Both credit value and letter grades for each course.

Study Abroad Coursework:
Applicants who completed courses abroad as part of an approved or sponsored study abroad program through an accredited institution are not required to submit an international transcript evaluation for these courses. These courses must appear on the transcript of the home institution.

For clarification on study abroad courses or any other aspect of this policy, please contact the Office of Admissions and Student Scholarships.

Prerequisite Coursework

1. Community College Coursework:
Prerequisite courses can be taken at any regionally or nationally accredited institution, including community colleges.

2. Completion of Prerequisites Before Enrollment:
All prerequisite courses must be completed prior to starting the nursing program at the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON). Students cannot begin the program until all required prerequisites are fulfilled.

3. Credit by Examination (CLEP, AP, IB):
Applicants may use CLEP, AP, or IB scores to satisfy prerequisite courses. For details on accepted scores and eligible courses, refer to the "Transfer of Credit by Examination" section on our website.

4. Applying Before Finishing Prerequisites:
Applicants may apply before completing all prerequisite courses. However, admitted students must provide proof of enrollment for any remaining prerequisites. Acceptable documentation includes an official transcript, unofficial transcript, or a letter from the registrar’s office confirming enrollment in outstanding courses. Documentation must be uploaded to the student portal by:

  • June 1 for students admitted for Fall
  • September 1 for students admitted for Spring

Failure to submit documentation of in-progress coursework may result in the cancellation of admission. All prerequisites must be completed before the start of the program.

5. Requirements for BSN, RN-to-BSN, and MSN-E Applicants:

  • BSN and RN-to-BSN Applicants:
    • Must have completed at least two science courses (from chemistry with lab, anatomy and physiology I and II with lab, or microbiology with lab).
    • Must have completed one additional course (from human growth and development, statistics, or nutrition).
    • Can have no more than four total courses in progress at the time of application.
  • RN-to-MS Applicants:
    • May apply with up to two courses in progress, provided that two science courses are complete.
  • MSN-E Applicants:
    • Must have completed at least two science courses (from chemistry with lab, anatomy and physiology I and II with lab, or microbiology with lab).
    • Must have completed one additional course (from human growth and development, statistics, or nutrition).

6. Expiration of Prerequisite Courses:
The following prerequisite courses must have been completed within the last 10 years: Chemistry, Microbiology, and Anatomy & Physiology I and II. This requirement is waived for actively licensed nurses.

7. Online Prerequisite Coursework:
UMSON accepts online courses, including Chemistry, Microbiology, and Anatomy & Physiology I and II, from accredited institutions. Online courses must include a lab component, which can also be completed online.

For further details or questions about prerequisite requirements, please contact the UMSON Office of Admissions and Student Scholarships.

Admissions Decisions

Accepting an Offer of Admission
Admitted applicants have 14 calendar days to accept their admission offer by submitting a non-refundable $200 deposit, which will be applied toward tuition upon enrollment. Additionally, they must submit the confirmation form via the Admissions Dashboard. Details for accepted students are available on the Accepted Students webpage.

Waitlist Procedures
Applicants placed on the waitlist must complete the Waitlist Intent Form available on the Admissions Dashboard.

  • Waitlist Ranking: The waitlist is not ranked, and the Office of Admissions cannot provide individual status updates.
  • Waitlist Timeline: Late offers of admission may occur up to two weeks before the start of classes, depending on seat availability.
  • Withdrawal from Waitlist Consideration: If you no longer wish to remain on the waitlist, please email

Admission Deferral Policy

In exceptional cases, admitted applicants may apply for a deferral of enrollment in a UMSON degree program. Deferrals are considered only for circumstances beyond the student’s control, including:

  • Military Obligations: Applicants must provide official military orders.
  • Significant Health Challenges: For the applicant or an immediate family member, with documentation from a healthcare provider specifying the nature of the health issue.

Note: Deferral requests based on financial or employment reasons will not be considered. Applicants unable to attend in the admitted term and ineligible for a deferral should contact the Office of Admissions & Student Scholarships to discuss options. If a deferral is not approved and attendance is not possible, applicants must reapply for a future term, with no guarantee of admission.

Fill out the Deferral Request Form. All supporting documentation can be attached to the form.


Decisions regarding readmission are based on the student’s academic record, reasons for withdrawal, and any significant events or experiences since leaving the program.

Re-admitted students must fulfill all the same requirements as new students. Students who did not leave in good academic or disciplinary standing, as well as applicants interested in enrolling in a new program at UMSON, must apply through the standard admissions process. Once an application has been completed, applicants must complete the readmission request form.

Enrollment Deposit

To secure your seat in the program, you must complete the following steps within two weeks of the date on your acceptance letter:

  1. Submit a Non-Refundable Deposit
    • A non-refundable $200 deposit is required to reserve your seat. This deposit will be applied toward your tuition upon enrollment. (Note: Current students, along with PhD and Coursework Only applicants, are exempt from this deposit requirement).
  2. Submit a Confirmation Form
    • Complete and submit your confirmation form through the Admissions Dashboard.

The deposit is credited toward your first semester tuition and is strictly non-refundable. Enrollment deposits cannot be waived under any circumstances.

Technical Standards For Admission, Progression and Graduation

The University of Maryland School of Nursing is committed to preparing leaders in nursing through innovation, research, and practice while fostering an inclusive and accessible environment. Students with disabilities are encouraged to seek accommodations through Educational Support and Disability Services, ensuring a supportive academic experience.

Disclosure of a disability is voluntary and does not impact admission decisions.

The following technical standards describe the non-academic qualifications required that UMSON considers essential for entrance to, continuation in, and graduation from its baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degree nursing program. These are in addition to academic qualifications. Candidates for nursing degrees must be able to meet these minimum standards with or without reasonable accommodation. The use of a trained intermediary is not acceptable if a student’s judgment and skill are mediated by reliance upon someone else’s power of selection, observation, scholarly, or clinical ability.

1. Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Abilities

  • Can gather data from written (paper and digital) reference materials and health records, oral presentations, demonstrations, and observations in classroom, laboratory, or clinical settings
  • Can accurately use a computer or other digital device to enter data in a digital format, including but not limited to an electronic health record, for example
  • Can perform health assessments and interventions; collect diagnostic specimens; and obtain information from digital, analog, and waveform representations of physiologic phenomena to determine a patient’s condition

Examples of relevant activities:

  • Can see well enough to draw up the correct quantity of medication in a syringe or detect changes in skin color or condition
  • Can hear well enough to:
    • hear and interpret information a patient is communicating verbally
    • detect sounds related to bodily functions using a stethoscope
    • detect audible alarms generated by mechanical systems used to monitor patient physiological status
    • communicate via a telephone
    • hear cries for help from patients and staff
  • Can feel well enough to detect unsafe temperature levels in heat-producing devices used in patient care or detect anatomical abnormalities, such as edema or small nodules

2. Communication Abilities

  • Can communicate in English accurately, clearly, and efficiently with faculty, staff, students, patients, their families, and other members of the health care team (including spoken and non-verbal communications, such as interpretation of facial expressions, affect, and body language)
  • Can communicate, including via speech, hearing, reading, writing, language skills, and computer literacy, in real time with a primarily English-speaking population
  • Can demonstrate written and oral competency in the English language as required for nursing licensure in Maryland

Examples of relevant activities:

  • Can give verbal directions to or follow verbal directions and participate in discussions as part of classroom learning and patient care
  • Can elicit and record information about health history, current health state, or responses to treatment from patients or family members
  • Can convey information to patients and others, as necessary, to teach, direct, and counsel individuals
  • Can complete written assignments and tests within a reasonable time frame

3. Motor Abilities

  • Sufficient motor function to execute movements required to attend classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences, complete assignments, and to provide general care and treatment to patients in all health care settings
  • Required motor functions include gross and fine motor skills, physical endurance, physical strength, and mobility to carry out nursing procedures, perform basic laboratory tests, and provide routine and emergency care and treatment to patients within a safe time frame and over an extended period of time, that is, a 6-12 hour clinical practicum day

Examples of relevant activities:

  • Can obtain assessment information by palpation, auscultation, percussion, and other diagnostic maneuvers
  • Can complete assigned periods of classroom, laboratory attendance, and clinical practice
  • Can attend class, laboratory, and clinical experiences, and to carry out patient care procedures, such as tracheostomy care or performing emergency airway suctioning, and maneuvering in small areas such as patient rooms and nursing workstations
  • Can carry out patient care procedures, such as assisting in the turning, lifting, transferring, and ambulation of patients. This includes the ability to carry and lift loads from the floor; lift loads from 12 inches from the floor to shoulder height and overhead; occasionally lifting 50 pounds, frequently lifting 25 pounds, constantly lifting 10 pounds; and other weight-lifting.

4. Behavioral, Interpersonal, and Emotional Abilities

  • Ability to relate to colleagues, staff, faculty, and patients with honesty, integrity, maturity, empathy, professionalism, and non-discrimination
  • Capacity for the development of a mature, sensitive, and effective therapeutic relationship with faculty, staff, students, and patients
  • Ability to work effectively and constructively in stressful and changing clinical and academic environments, both independently and under supervision, and as part of a team or group, with the ability to modify behavior in response to feedback and constructive criticism
  • Capacity to demonstrate ethical behavior, including adherence to the professional nursing and student honor codes

Examples of relevant activities:

  • Can remain calm in an emergency situation
  • Can communicate effectively with faculty, staff, students, patients, and families of diverse religious, cultural, or social backgrounds
  • Can exercise good judgment and promptly complete all responsibilities related to the diagnosis and care of patients as well as independent and group class assignments

5. Cognitive, Conceptual, and Quantitative Abilities

  • Can read and understand written documents in English and solve problems involving measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis, and synthesis
  • Can gather data, develop a plan of action, establish priorities among competing demands, and monitor treatment plans and modalities
  • Can comprehend three-dimensional and spatial relationships

Examples of relevant activities:

  • Can calculate appropriate medication dosage given specific patient parameters
  • Can analyze and synthesize data and to complete a classroom, laboratory, or clinical assignment
  • Can collect data, prioritize needs, and anticipate reactions
  • Can properly administer various types of injections or assess wounds of varying depths

Other Requirements:


A student must comply with UMB immunization requirements, as outlined on the UMB website’s student policy page. Students are advised that UMSON affiliates may have additional and/or more stringent immunization requirements than does UMB. UMSON has no obligation to refund tuition and fees or otherwise make accommodations if a student’s immunization status renders them ineligible to complete

the required courses. The admission of a student who is chronically infected with the Hepatitis B virus will be considered on a case-by-case basis after consultation with a panel of infectious disease experts. This panel will consider the Hepatitis B e-Antigen status and the health of the student and decide what, if any, restrictions and monitoring are necessary for the student during their nursing education.

Applicants with Disabilities

UMSON will provide reasonable accommodation during the admissions process for applicants with disabilities. An applicant is not disqualified from consideration due to a disability. Although UMSON may not inquire as to whether an applicant has a disability prior to making an admissions decision, an applicant can disclose a disability to ask for accommodations during the admission process or upon admission. If this disclosure occurs, UMSON will request that the applicant provide documentation of the disability to the UMB campus office of Educational Support and Disability Services. The admissions committee will consider the applicant based on the published criteria for admission of all applicants.

An applicant who discloses a disability and requests accommodation in the admission process will berequired to submit, in writing, the request for accommodation and pertinent supporting documentation.This pertinent information will include a history of accommodations granted previously in other educational programs and references who can discuss the experience of the student in other educational settings. Requests for accommodation should be initiated through UMB’s Office of Educational Support and Disability Services.

UMSON may require additional medical or other verification of disabilities and proof of informationpresented concerning accommodations. Such proof may include demonstration of assisted physical abilities. The School may require independent medical examinations or testing to verify claimed disabilities, determine the extent and effects of disabilities, and assess the utility of accommodations. Technical and medical consultations from resources within the University and external to UMB may be

obtained. Costs of independent medical examinations, testing, technical, and medical consultations required by UMSON will be borne by the School.

UMSON, in conjunction with the UMB Office of Educational Support and Disability Services, will determine the practicality of the accommodations that the applicant has requested or will determine alternative accommodations that UMSON may offer.

General Application FAQs

1. Do I have to apply to both UMSON and the University of Maryland, Baltimore?
PhD applicants must apply to the Graduate School. All other applicants only need to apply to UMSON.

2. What if I don’t meet the 3.0 GPA recommendation?
All applications are reviewed holistically. A GPA below 3.0 does not automatically disqualify you.

3. Can I apply to more than one program in the same term?
No, applicants may apply to only one program per application term.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) FAQs

1. What is the ATI TEAS Exam?
The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is a standardized exam used to evaluate basic academic skills in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage. It assesses whether applicants possess the foundational knowledge necessary for success in nursing or allied health programs.

2. What is considered a passing score for the TEAS at UMSON?
There is no universal passing score. However, UMSON requires applicants to demonstrate a proficient level of preparedness.

3. How do I register for the TEAS?
Registration and exam proctoring for the TEAS are handled directly through ATI. Visit to register and schedule your exam.

4. How can I prepare for the ATI TEAS?
Applicants are encouraged to prepare using resources such as the Official ATI TEAS Study Manual (Version 7), available for purchase at bookstores or online. Additional study materials and practice tests are accessible through

5. Where do I take the ATI TEAS, and what is the cost?
The ATI TEAS is offered at multiple testing sites, and costs vary by location. Visit to find testing locations and specific pricing details.

6. Can I retake the TEAS if I don’t achieve my desired score?
Yes, you may retake the TEAS. UMSON permits applicants to take the TEAS twice within a 12-month period, with a mandatory waiting period of 30 days between attempts. (For example, if you test on February 14, you may retake on March 14.)

7. How long are TEAS scores valid?
TEAS scores remain valid for 2 years from the date the exam is taken.

8. How do I send my TEAS scores to UMSON?
Scores can be sent directly to UMSON through your ATI account at

Residency and Housing FAQs

1. How is residency determined?
Residency for tuition purposes is based on UMB’s residency policies. Applicants must submit a completed Residency Application by the start of the term.

2. Do you offer on-campus housing?
No, but the 500 W. – Fayette property is adjacent to UMB campus buildings and is presented as a preferred housing option for the UMB community. Learn more.

Coursework Only (CWO) Option FAQs

1. What is the Coursework Only option?
CWO allows students to take up to two courses without enrolling in a degree program.

2. Can I take a break between courses?
No. Students must enroll in two consecutive semesters to remain active in the program.

3. When can I register?
Registration is permitted after acceptance.

Military and Veteran Applicants FAQs

1. Where can I learn about VA benefits?
Visit the VA website or call 1-888-442-4551 for information.

2. What should I do if I add or drop a class?
Notify immediately to update your enrollment status.