Global Health Certificate

Global Health Certificate - Hero Image

UMSON Global Health Certificate Students Return From Brazil With Roadmap to Improve Conditions in Baltimore

Over the summer, Global Health Certificate students spent 10 days in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil learning how an organization there helps families improve health outcomes by addressing social factors.

Read more.

Become part of the global health community and make a positive impact around the world.

With a focus on social justice and equity, deep relationships, and reciprocity, this 12-credit graduate certificate prepares nurses and health and human services professionals for careers in global health practice, education, and research. Students learn from global health experts around the world to prepare for working abroad or at home with global communities.

Interprofessional collaboration is essential in global health; because of this we welcome students from all UMB schools to take our interprofessional Global Health Certificate.

How the Program Works

  • 12 credits: 9 core credits + 3 elective credits
  • Hybrid Learning: You'll take courses in person and online.
  • Gain real-world experience through a faculty-guided field experience (abroad or at home).
  • Complete the certificate in one year.

Admission to the certificate program is open to students who have earned a bachelor's degree, are committed to health equity and social justice, and want to work to reduce health disparities around the world. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply.

What You'll Learn

You'll explore a wide range of topics from experts around the world including:

  • frameworks for integrating social justice and human rights into your work
  • impacts of globalization and geopolitics on population health and health care systems
  • climate change and climate justice
  • programmatic and policy strategies to address the global burden of major diseases
  • key institutional and organizational actors in global health
  • skills in cultural humility; cross-cultural collaboration; and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

What You'll Do

Our graduates do transformational work at home and abroad as clinicians, researchers, educators, administrators, organizers, advocates, and change agents.

After completing the Global Health Certificate, you’ll:

  • have a scientific understanding of social determinants of health inequities and the global burden of major diseases around the world
  • have a foundation to plan, design, and evaluate community-based programs and capacity strengthening initiatives
  • integrate a global, ethical framework into your practice based on human rights, cultural diversity, and social justice
  • understand approaches to strategic analysis, collaboration, partnership, and program management in global health.

Program Snapshot


As little as 2 semesters


Blended (face-to-face and online)

Tuition and Fees View overview

In State Tuition: $873.00/credit
Out of State Tuition: $1,549.00/credit



Courses You'll Take

Core Courses:

  • NURS 769  Society, Health, & Social Justice (3 credits)
  • PREV 664/NRSG 664  Critical Issues in Global Health (3 credits)
  • NRSG 610  Global Health Seminar (1 credit)
  • NRSG 611 Global Health Field Experience (2 credits)


Flexibility is built into the certificate program through the 3-credit Elective Option allowing students an opportunity to extensively explore specialized skills and cross-cutting topics and dive deeper into interprofessional aspects of global health practice.  Course selection must be approved by the certificate program director.

The University System of Maryland has a number of schools that collectively provide students with many options to explore individual interests that would meaningfully complement their overall global health training.

The following are possible examples, but not an exhaustive list:

University of Maryland School of Nursing

NRSG 609

Essentials and Practice in Global Health Nursing  (3 credits, fall and spring, web-based)

NURS 690

Managerial Health Finance  (3 credits, fall and spring, web-based)

NURS 724

Health, Health Care, and Culture (3 credits, web-based)

NURS 732

Program Planning and Evaluation in Community/Public Health  (3 credits, spring only)

NRSG 780

Health Promotion and Population Health  (3 credits, web-based)

NRSG 782

Health Systems & Health Policy: Leadership and Quality Improvement  (3 credits, web-based)

NRSG 790

Methods for Research and Evidence Based Practice  (3 credits, web-based)

NRSG 795

Biostatistics for Evidence Based Practice  (3 credits, web-based)

University of Maryland School of Law

LAW 502

International Human Rights (3 credits)

LAW 503

Health Care Law and Policy  (3 credits)

LAW 548

Critical Issues in Health Care  (3 credits)

LAW 618

Public Health Law  (3 credits)

University of Maryland School of Social Work

SOWK 703

Program Management (3 credits)

SOWK 704

Community Organization (3 credits)

SOWK 705

International Social Work (3 credits)

SOWK 720

Comparative Social Policy (3 credits)

SOWK 772

Evaluation Research (3 credits)

SOWK 783

Qualitative Ethnocultural Research (3 credits)

University of Maryland School of Medicine – Department of Epidemiology and Public Health

PREV 613

Nutritional Epidemiology (3 credits)

PREV 625

Community-Based Participatory Research: Theory and Methods (3 credits)

PREV 627

Vaccinology (3 credits)

PREV 716

Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3 credits)

PREV 705

Pharmacoepidemiology (3 credits)

PREV 749

Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3 credits)

PREV 758

Health Survey Research Methods (3 credits)

PREV 803

Clinical Trials/Experimental Epidemiology (3 credits)

PH 648

Health Services Policy, Management, and Finance (3 credits)

University of Maryland School of Medicine

MSTP 589

Research (Elective, 4 credits, Spring)

MSTP 598

Physician Scientist (Elective, 4 credits, Fall)

MEDT 638

Special Topics (Lecture, 1-4 credits)

ICME 541

Indian Health Service (Clinical, 4 credits)

ICME 542

Public Health (Independent Study, 4 credits)

ICME 543

International Health (Independent Study, 4 credits)

ICME 544

Research (Research, 4 credits)

ICME 545

Community Service Project (Independent Study, 4 credits)

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

PHAR 5010

Health Policy and Systems (2 credits)

PHAR 5015

Public Health Pharmacy (2 credits)

PHMY 5005

Interdisciplinary HIV Care (2 credit)

PHMY 5007

Health System Pharmacy Practice (2 credit)

PHMY 598

Effective Leadership and Advocacy (2 credits)

PHSR 610

Pharmacy, Drugs, and the Health Care System (3 credits)

University of Maryland School of Dentistry

DHYG 603

Issues in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (2 credits)

DHYG 619

Area of Specialization Practicum (1-6 credits)

DHYG 649

Research Practicum (1-6 credits)

DPAT 599

Special Topics (1-12 credits)

DMBS 638

Biostatistics (1-3 credits)

Course Descriptions:

To view course descriptions for upcoming courses, search the course catalog.

Sample Plans of Study

  • Certificate courses can be completed in a minimum of three semesters and may be completed in any sequence. 
  • Full time and part time plans of study are available.
  • All students have up to three years from the semester of their enrollment to complete the certificate.

Begin in the fall (three-semester plan):




NURS 769: Society, Health and Social Justice (3 credits)

PREV/NRSG 664: Critical Issues in Global Health (3 credits)

NRSG 611: Global Health Field Experience (2 credits)

*Elective (3 credits)

NRSG 610: Global Health Semester (1 credit)


Begin in the spring (three-semester plan):




PREV/NRSG 664: Critical Issues in Global Health (3 credits)

NRSG 611: Global Health Field Experience (2 credits)

NURS 769: Society, Health and Social Justice (3 credits)

NRSG 610: Global Health Semester (1 credit)


*Elective (3 credits)

Begin in the summer (four-semester plan):





*Elective (3 credit)

NURS 769: Society, Health and Social Justice (3 credits)

PREV/NRSG 664: Critical Issues in Global Health (3 credits)

NRSG 611: Global Health Field Experience (2 credits)



NRSG 610: Global Health Semester (1 credit)


*3-credit Elective Option can be taken in any of the three semesters.  

Scholarship Opportunities

Your nursing education is an important investment. Financial aid and scholarships can help make your goals a reality.

UMSON offers multiple opportunities to help you afford your education.

Type of Aid Award
Federal Scholarships and Loan Opportunities various award amounts
Donor-Funded Scholarships $500-2,000 per semester
(offered during the fall and spring semesters)
Conway Scholarship full scholarship: tuition, fees, and books
(based on in-state tuition)

Did you know? Our certificate programs are eligible for Federal Student Aid. If you are interested in learning more about how you can apply financial aid to this certificate, contact University Student Financial Assistance.

Learn More About Financial Aid and Scholarships

All students receiving funds through the University must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year by UMB's award priority deadline.

  • FAFSA Submission period: Oct. 1 (of the previous year) through Feb. 28
  • FAFSA School code: 002104

The UMB Office of Student Financial Assistance & Education is available to guide prospective and current students through the FAFSA application process and the financial aid award package.

Contact Us:

UMSON Scholarships and Grants Office
410-706-0489 |

UMB Student Financial Assistance and Education Office
410-706-7347 |

Admission Requirements

In This Section:


  • fall and summer enrollment: rolling admissions review begins Feb. 1
  • spring enrollment: rolling admissions review begins Sept. 1
  • summer enrollment: rolling admissions review begins Feb. 1


  • enrollment in a UMB professional or graduate program
  • a bachelor's degree (or an equivalent degree from a comparable university) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Application Materials:


Submission Guidelines

Online Application and non-refundable $75 application fee.

Start your application now via the Admissions Dashboard.

The Admissions Dashboard is where you will:

  • submit your online application and fee
  • submit/request any supplemental documents
  • check your application status.

You can save your progress and return to your application at a later date. We recommend that you continue to log in for regular updates.

One recommendation. Your recommendation must come from a mentor, teacher, employer, fellow student, or professional colleague who can speak knowledgeably about your potential to successfully complete the certificate program.

Submit/request these materials via the Admissions Dashboard.


Essay. Please submit a concise essay (no more than 350 words) addressing the following: How will earning this certificate impact your care of the population you expect to serve after graduation?

Typed résumé or CV. Be sure to include your full name with your résumé submission.

Official transcripts. An official transcript from every institution previously attended or currently attending must be submitted in a sealed envelope, as prepared by the sending institution. Electronic transcripts from University System of Maryland institutions will be accepted in lieu of official, sealed transcripts.

Returning students are not required to submit UMSON transcripts; we will upload a copy of your UMSON transcript to your application.

Have each institution submit electronically to

Residency classification. Applicants who are claiming in-state (Maryland) residency MUST apply for in-state status. 

Complete a residency application and submit it either by mail, e-mail, or fax to the Office of the Registrar using the instructions supplied at the bottom of the residency application. The completed application, signed and dated, should be submitted prior to the first day of enrollment for the term and program for which you are seeking admission.

Applicants without a High School Diploma or College Degree in the U.S:

  • If you do not have a degree from a U.S. high school, college, or university, you are required to demonstrate English proficiency.
  • If you have completed coursework outside of the U.S., you must have your transcripts evaluated.

More information.

If you have questions regarding the admissions requirements or process, contact the Office of Admissions and Student Scholarships to avoid errors that could delay the processing of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many credits are in the Global Health Certificate?

12 graduate-level credits are in the certificate.

What is the cost of 12 graduate credits at the University of Maryland School of Nursing?

Graduate level tuition is charged for each of the 12 credits plus applicable fees. 

  • Students in a standalone certificate program pay graduate-level fees.
    For details, see our current tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students.

  • Students in a dual-degree certificate program pay the fees associated with their degree program. 
    For details, see our current tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students.

What will the completion of the certificate enable me to do?

The certificate program prepares you to become a global health leader applying your global health knowledge and practical skills in assignments as leaders in their roles as clinicians, researchers, educators, administrators, organizers, advocates, and change agents.

Global health practitioners work as:

  • In-country field consultants traveling to other countries to work with partners
  • Disaster relief-support technicians, such as responders to outbreaks like Ebola
  • Organization development specialists, partnering with global health agencies to design and implement programs
  • Program evaluators

Who can apply for the certificate?

University of Maryland Baltimore Students from across the campus and professionals with a bachelor’s degree may apply. Admission is not restricted to nursing students.  The ideal applicant will be:

  • enrolled in a UMB professional or graduate program, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale


  • a professional interested in a global health career, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in a program resulting in the award of a bachelor's degree

Why do I have to complete a separate application for the certificate if I am already a student at the University of Maryland Baltimore?

The certificate is a separate program with the University of Maryland School of Nursing, therefore a separate application is required.

Can I take the courses in the certificate and not complete the certificate?

Yes, you can. The courses do appear on your transcript with grades so you have a record that you completed them, which may be important for future employers.

Also, UMSON core global health courses are open to all interprofessional UMB students in who are good academic standing and maintain a 3.0 GPA.

What if I have a BS in Nursing (or BSN) only, but no graduate degree?

BSN graduates are eligible to apply for the global health certificate program.

How often do classes meet and where are they offered?

This certificate consists of both classroom and online formats, plus you will complete an exciting global health field placement course.  You may elect to complete certain components of the global health course option online, allowing flexibility and access to web-based content on your own schedule.

Are continuing education credits offered for the certificate courses?

No, academic credit is offered and contact hours do not convert to academic credits.

For specific information on the policies for the certificate, please see the current Student Handbook.

Upcoming Events:
"I learned so much about the health and development of the world via the coursework, class discussions, and my internship and field study experiences. ... I believe that the Global Health Certificate program is a great complement to any health professions educational program. It helps to open your eyes and mind to the world and its health and development." Beth Barrows, MS '13, BSN '05