Eun-Shim Nahm, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA

Associate Dean for the PhD Program Organizational Systems and Adult Health
Professor Organizational Systems and Adult Health
Co-Director, Postdoctoral Program Office of the Academic Deans
I am currently accepting new PhD students.
- PhD, Nursing Informatics, University of Maryland School of Nursing
- MS, Gerontological Nursing , University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
- BSN, EWHA Woman’s University
Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research
- Date:
- 2020 - 2025
- Title:
- NSP II 21-117. Care Coordination Educational-to-Practice Scale-Up Implementation
- Sponsoring Organization:
- NSP II (Maryland Higher Education Commission)
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2021 - 2023
- Title:
- Building Capacity for Research on Cancer and Aging: The UMGCCC-Medicare Database
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Role:
- Co-Investigator
- Date:
- 2016 - 2019
- Title:
- R21HS024739. A Theory-Based Patient Portal eLearning Program for Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2016 - 2019
- Title:
- NSP II-17-115. Preparation of Innovative RN-to-BSN Nursing Workforce with Expertise in Care Coordination Supported by Health Information Technology and Analytics
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2019 - 2020
- Title:
- The Impact of a Digital Cancer Survivorship Patient Engagement Toolkit (CaS-PET Silver) on Older Cancer Survivors’ Health Outcomes: A Pilot Study
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Multiple Principal Investigator
- Date:
- 2017 - 2019
- Title:
- Innovative Use of Health IT to Engage Cancer Survivors in their Care Management
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Sigma Theta Tau, Pi Chapter, Maryland
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2018 - 2025
- Title:
- UMB Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Other
- Date:
- 2009 - 2014
- Title:
- R01NR011296. Dissemination of a Theory-Based Bone Health Program in Online Communities
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2006 - 2009
- Title:
- R21 AG026013. Effects of a Hip Fracture Prevention Website for Seniors
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2006 - 2009
- Title:
- R21 AG026013. Effects of a Hip Fracture Prevention Website for Seniors
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Role:
- Principal
Research Interests
- • Use of eHealth/telehealth/patient portal interventions to promote and manage the health of adults age 50 and older
• Patient-centered digital health interventions for cancer survivors
• Web-based research and usability testing
• Hospital information systems evaluation and implementation
Research Activity
- Duration:
- 2019 - 2025
- Title:
- UM Greenebaum Cancer Center Population Health Program: Full member
- Status:
- On-Going
- Duration:
- 2017 - Current
- Title:
- GCCC1787: Innovative Use of Health IT to Engage Cancer Survivors in their Care Management
- Description:
- This pilot study will develop and pilot-test an electronic Cancer Survivorship Patient Engagement Toolkit (CaS-PET) designed to be used at the new UMGCCC Oncology Supportive Care (OSC) clinic. The findings of this study will serve as preliminary data for an R01 grant project that will test the efficacy of CaS-PET.
- Status:
- On-Going
- Son, H., Nahm, E., Zhu, S., Galik, E., Seidl, K. L., Van de Castle, B., et al. (2021, March 1). Testing a Model of Patient Portal Use in Adult Patients.. Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 53 (2), 143-153. doi:10.1111/jnu.12633
- Jaidar, N. & Nahm, E. (2021, April (2nd Quarter/Spring)). Advancing Telemedicine Outreach within a Comprehensive Cancer Center: Lessons Learned from Rapid Transformation of Care Practice and Operational Changes Associated the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship, 12, 4.
- Nahm, E., Schoenbaum, A., Behm, C. & Rowen, L. (2020, November). Health Information Exchange: Practical Overview and Implications for Nursing Practice. The Journal of Nursing Administration.
- Nahm, E., Miller, K., McQuaige, M., Corbitt, N., Jaidar, N., Rosenblatt, P., et al. (2019, September). Testing the Impact of Cancer Survivorship Patient Engagement Toolkit (CaS-PET) on Selected Health Outcomes of Survivors Who Completed Treatments with Curative Intent. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46, 572-584.
- Nahm, E., Zhu, S., Bellantoni, M., Keldsen, L., Russomanno, V., Rietschel, M., et al. (2019, October (4th Quarter/Autumn)). The Effects of a Theory-Based Patient Portal e-Learning Program for Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses.. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 25, 940-951. doi:10.1089/tmj.2018.0184
- Son, H. & Nahm, E. (2019). Older Adults' Experience Using Patient Portals in Communities: Challenges and Opportunities.. CIN: Computers, informatics, nursing, 37 (1), 4-10. doi:10.1097/CIN.0000000000000476
- Nahm, E., Zhu, S., Bellantoni, M., Keldsen, L., Charters, K., Russomanno, V., et al. (2018). Patient Portal Use Among Older Adults: What Is Really Happening Nationwide?. Journal of Applied Gerontology,
- Nahm, E., Diblasi, C., Gonzales, E., Silver, K., Zhu, S., Sagherian, K., et al. (2017). Patient-Centered Personal Health Record and Portal Implementation Toolkit for Ambulatory Clinics: A Feasibility Study. Comput Inform Nurs, 35 (4), 176-185.
- Nahm, E., Resnick, B. M., Brown, C., Zhu, S., Magaziner, J., Bellantoni, M., et al. (2017). The Effects of an Online Theory-Based Bone Health Program for Older Adults. J Appl Gerontol, 36 (9), 1117-1144.
- Nahm, E., Schoenbaum, A., Behm, C. & Rowen, L. (2020, November). Health Information Exchange: Practical Overview and Implications for Nursing Practice. The Journal of Nursing Administration.
- Year:
- 2021
- Title:
- Nursing Informatics Competency & Practice model: International Perspective
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- SINI Global Health Informatics Preconference: Development of Nursing/Health Care Informatics Workforce Capacity: Global Efforts
- Sponsoring Organization:
- University of Maryland School of Nursing
- Location:
- Baltimore
- Year:
- 2021
- Title:
- Equity, AI and Healthcare
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- 20th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference
- Sponsoring Organization:
- The National Academy of Public Administration
- Year:
- 2019
- Title:
- Innovative Use of Health IT to Engage Cancer Survivors in their Care Management
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- UM Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center Population Science Seminar
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2019
- Title:
- Practical Guides for Making Electronic Health Record Data Actionable for Health Care Research
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Hopkins Division of Health Science Informatics Grand Round
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Johns Hopkins school of Public Health
- Location:
- Baltimore MO United States
- Year:
- 2019
- Title:
- Cancer Survivorship Patient Engagement Toolkit (CaS-PET): An Innovative Cancer Care Delivery Approach
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- MedInfo
- Sponsoring Organization:
- International Medical Informatics Association
- Location:
- Lyon France
- Title:
- Adherence to Behaviors that Facilitate Health in Older Adults
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine,
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Location:
- Washington DC United States
- Year:
- 2019
- Title:
- Innovative Use of Patient Portals to Improve Medication Management and Adherence in Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Feasibility Study
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Southern Nursing Research Society Conference
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Southern Nursing Research Society
- Location:
- Orlando FL United States
- Year:
- 2018
- Title:
- Patient Portal Use Among Older Adults: What Is Really Happening Nationwide?
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Location:
- New Orleans LA United States
- Year:
- 2018
- Title:
- Mobile Nursing App Prototyping (DIY)
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics (SINI)
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2018
- Title:
- A Theory-Based Patient Portal eLearning Program for Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Gerontological Society of America's Annual Scientific Meeting
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Gerontological Society of America
- Location:
- Boston MA United States
Areas of Specialization
- Geroinformatics, Consumer Health Informatis, Gerontology, Use of Real-World Data
- Name:
- Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
- Sponsoring organization:
- American Academy of Nursing
- Date:
- November 2009
- Name:
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar
- Sponsoring organization:
- Tri-Service General Hospital, Taiwan
- Date:
- August 2016
- Name:
- Gerontological Society of America Fellowship
- Sponsoring organization:
- Gerontological Society of America
- Date:
- November 2016
- Name:
- Sigma Theta Tau International's Scholarly Presentation Award
- Sponsoring organization:
- Sigma Theta Tau Pi Chapter
- Date:
- June 2016
Academic and Professional Activities
- Date:
- 2018 - Current
- Organization:
- Role:
- UMMC Nursing Research Council, Member
- Date:
- 2017 - Current
- Organization:
- Institute for Clinical Translational Research University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Role:
- Associate Director for Informatics Core
- Date:
- 2010 - Current
- Organization:
- UMB SON Nursing Informatics Program
- Role:
- UMB SON Nursing Informatics Advisory Board, Chair
- Date:
- 2016 - Current
- Organization:
- Big 10 Nursing School Alliance – Informatics Working Group
- Role:
- Member
- Date:
- 2012 - Current
- Organization:
- UMB Center of Excellence for Biology and Behavior Across the Life Span,
- Role:
- Co-Director
- Date:
- 2003 - Current
- Organization:
- Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics Conference
- Role:
- Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics Conference Planning Committee Member
- Date:
- 2019 - Current
- Organization:
- American Nursing Informatics Association Research/EBP Committee
- Role:
- Committee Chair
- Date:
- 2019 - Current
- Organization:
- Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI) Policy Committee
- Role:
- Committee Member
- Date:
- 2008 - Current
- Organization:
- Clinic Economics & Outcomes Research
- Role:
- Editorial Review Board Member
- Date:
- 2013 - 2015
- Organization:
- National HIT Policy Committee’s Accountable Care Workgroup, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
- Role:
- Panel/Accreditation/Certification Team Member
- Date:
- 2016 - 2016
- Organization:
- Union Baptist Church Cyber Senior Center
- Role:
- Volunteer
- Date:
- 2018 - 2018
- Organization:
- Computer Teacher for Leonard Hicks Community Center Older Adults Computer Clss
- Role:
- Volunteer