The University of Maryland School of Nursing’s Strategic Plan is an integral component of the overarching plan for the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). The University plan, developed by a 30-member steering committee of individuals from across UMB, covers the period of FY 2022 - 2026. It includes the Core Values of the University and outlines six University themes. These themes represent major areas of focus for the University as informed by its mission, vision, and core values. The document below includes the UMB themes, strategic objectives, and strategic outcomes. The strategic goals developed by the School of Nursing to guide its work are shown in the context of the UMB plan and support specific University objectives and outcomes.

UMB Strategic Plan 2022-2026

1 | Accountability and Integration of Core Values


UMB will systematically integrate the core values into the organizational culture through education and demonstrated behaviors so that internal and external stakeholders clearly understand who we are as an organization and what we stand for.


  1. UMB leadership demonstrate their commitment to the core values and expect fellow leadership, faculty, staff, and students to hold the University’s senior leaders accountable to those core values.

  2. UMB has a clearly articulated group of behavioral expectations related to each core value set to which faculty, staff, students, and University leaders are held accountable.

  3. UMB operationalizes the core values in each school and administrative unit through activities including talent management, employee development and empowerment, and enhancements to student learning and experiences.
    • UMSON Goal: Foster an organizational culture of empowerment and belonging for UMSON faculty and staff that aligns with institutional core values through continuous improvement of the key components of the School’s human resources system, including recruitment, orientation, engagement, retention, professional development, and professional advancement. Transform the HR service model within UMSON to provide additional support for individual academic and administrative units.
  1. UMB uses reliable quantitative and qualitative data to provide transparent metrics to demonstrate and document the University community’s ongoing efforts at aligning behavior with the expectations inherent in our core values.

2 | Student Growth and Success


UMB will design and implement collaborative, inclusive, respectful, and accessible academic learning environments that equitably support and develop students to become exemplary professionals and purposeful contributors to society.


  1. UMB provides academic programs, offerings, and services that are accessible to students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, income levels, and social identities.
    • UMSON Goal: UMSON provides access to nursing education for a diverse array of students across degree programs in support of a future nursing workforce reflective of Maryland’s diverse communities. It accomplishes this through development of initiatives for recruitment of students under-represented in nursing and a multi-faceted program to foster the success of all students through analysis of key metrics related to student success coupled with development of strategies to ameliorate the impact of identified barriers to such success.
  1. UMB develops and implements anti-racist and anti-oppressive policies, practices, and programming that promote student well-being, belonging, and success.
    • UMSON Goal: Further implement UMSON’s anti-oppression statement through a systematic and ongoing process for identification and review of curriculum, policies and procedures identified as impacting the student experience, student success, student engagement, and student well-being. Address those policies and procedures that may negatively impact students and recommend changes or alternatives.
  1. UMB enhances student learning and innovation through creative and effective teaching methods developed through collaborative and agile faculty development initiatives.
    • UMSON Goal: Develop a robust program for enhanced faculty support and development through programs, activities, and services to: (1) address issues in teaching and learning and enhance faculty creativity and effectiveness, (2) foster successful implementation of the new competency-based curriculum, (3) develop and implement a process for assessment of individual faculty teaching skills and align with resources to address gaps, (4) mentor new faculty, (5) provide one-on-one faculty consultations, and (6) develop a referral system for faculty who could benefit from additional support in their teaching role.
  1. UMB engages students and fosters their passions and skills to prepare them for meaningful self-reflection and ethical careers in alignment with the University’s core values.
  1. UMB engages a diverse alumni community that supports and creates sustainable connections for student mentoring, networking, and scholarships.
    • UMSON Goal: Enhance nursing students’ learning opportunities, personal and professional development, and career opportunities through a multi-faceted alumni engagement program. Create new initiatives to increase the diversity of alumni participating in alumni and student activities and programs and providing philanthropic support for scholarships and other student needs.

3 | University Culture, Engagement, and Belonging


UMB will create a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive culture of care that collaboratively engages and embraces all members of the University community, and the broader community, with respect and in a manner that fosters belonging, understanding, trust, and equity.


  1. UMB is inclusive and actively seeks input from stakeholders at all levels and of all backgrounds when identifying opportunities, planning and setting goals, and making decisions.

  2. UMB actively recruits, retains, supports, and advances diverse students, faculty, and staff, demonstrating a commitment to our core value set of Equity and Justice.

  3. UMB provides professional and educational programs and initiatives that build capacity, equity, and respect, and support the well-being, sense of belonging, and success of all members of the University community.
    • UMSON Goal: Foster, model, and promote diversity, equity, inclusion and respect for students, faculty, staff, and those who interact with the School of Nursing, including developing educational and professional development programs and activities for faculty, staff, students, alumni and others to foster an understanding of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion and of the issues of racial justice.
    • UMSON Goal: Develop an expanded program for students, faculty and staff  to support their physical and mental health, and ongoing sense of well-being, including launching a new initiative to create a wellness culture.
  1. UMB communicates in a manner that is empowering, inclusive, and demonstrates cultural humility.

4 | Innovation and Reimagination


UMB will foster an agile, creative, and risk-tolerant learning environment, boldly capitalizing on new opportunities, technologies, and the power of collaboration to discover meaningful solutions to the complex problems impacting UMB, its schools, its strategic partners, and communities.


  1. UMB nurtures an environment of research and discovery that probes and answers challenging questions, openly shares knowledge, and improves the human condition.
    • UMSON Goal: Conduct high-impact research and scholarship to improve health outcomes through (1) leveraging the School of Nursing’s research centers of excellence and its areas of innovation and discovery; (2) recruiting diverse research-intensive faculty; (3) enhancing support for research and researchers; (4) fostering the development and progression of nurse researchers and scientists; (5) seeking opportunities for collaboration and sharing of resources; (6) increasing funding for research through grants, philanthropy, and special initiatives; (7) supporting research dissemination; and (8) promoting School of Nursing researchers and research efforts.
  1. UMB promotes the use of applicable new technologies and data-driven analytics, promoting student success, groundbreaking discoveries, employee productivity, and administrative effectiveness.
    • UMSON Goal: Inform the School of Nursing’s strategies and decision-making processes through ongoing utilization of data analytics across the tripartite mission. Continue to refine data collection and usage, including historical and current data, to improve accuracy of projections, forecasting ability, and capacity to respond to opportunities and threats.
    • UMSON Goal: Utilize technology in innovative ways to (1) foster teaching and learning; (2) promote student growth and success; (3) support design and mapping of curriculum; (4) provide evaluation and assessment; (5) further collaboration and partnerships within the University and externally; and (6) create new opportunities for global engagement and access to education.
  1. UMB embraces a broad and collaborative culture encouraging the free exchange of ideas, acknowledging the importance of risk-taking for bold gains and learning from failures and successes.
  1. UMB fosters excellence in teaching and learning by adopting best-in-class design and pedagogical practices to prepare students for promising, rewarding, and impactful careers.
    • UMSON Goal: Lead, support, and collaborate in efforts to foster excellence in nursing education within the School and throughout Maryland. Develop innovative models and programs and partner with clinical sites and others. Through the Institute for Educators, develop educational programs to share best practices; enhance teaching and learning in the classroom, online, and in the clinical environment; assess student learning; and foster development of research and scholarship related to teaching and learning. Provide education and support of academic and clinical nurse faculty within the School, statewide, and nationally.

5 | Community Partnership and Collaboration


UMB will formalize and embrace a University-wide approach to community engagement and scholarship that fosters inclusive and equitable partnerships with our neighbors.


  1. UMB becomes a trusted partner and resource as we learn from the history of our own institution and further build relationships with our neighbors in West Baltimore and across Maryland.
  1. UMB honors, acknowledges, and values community sovereignty and the wisdom of our neighbors and actively integrates the knowledge, experience, and expertise of community members to measure and document the impact of UMB’s health, legal, social, and economic development programs.
  1. UMB values and rewards teaching, research, and service that is grounded in community engagement as well as holds faculty, staff, and University leaders accountable for ethical and mutually beneficial community engagement practices.
    • UMSON Goal: The School of Nursing will continue to serve as a catalyst for community health and well-being through innovative projects and opportunities for nursing students to engage in community-based health initiatives. We will foster student service learning within the context of academic programs and on a volunteer basis. Through community-based research we will seek to address the social determinants of health and issues of health equity. Through collaborations with longstanding partners and development of new initiatives, the School will provide mutually beneficial opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to engage in service to the community.
  1. UMB develops, establishes, and maintains strategic partnerships among our seven schools, other University System of Maryland institutions, and the University of Maryland Medical System to resource, coordinate, and support community initiatives that can become a local, regional, and national model for others to replicate.
    • UMSON Goal:  We will increase opportunities for education and professional development of nursing students and nursing professionals statewide through expansion of UMNursing, the longstanding strategic partnership between UMSON and the University of Maryland Medical Center, to incorporate other institutions within the University of Maryland Medical System. Working collaboratively, we will continue to develop and implement and innovative models for teaching and learning and for improving delivery of care which will benefit patients, their families, and our communities. Through collaborative research projects we will continue to address key issues in patient care.

6 | Global Engagement and Education


UMB will enhance its impact and reputation as a globally engaged institution committed to improving the human condition through engagement, education, and research.


  1. UMB is committed to and promotes interdisciplinary, innovative, equitable, and sustainable solutions to domestic and global challenges.
    • UMSON Goal: The School of Nursing will continue to be a national leader in global-to-local initiatives and global learning for health equity. We seek to create sustainable solutions and address the domestic and global challenges of under-resourced communities and the impact of the social determinants of health. The School will continue to develop initiatives to promote health equity through teaching, research and scholarship, practice, and public policy initiatives.
  1. UMB provides students the opportunity and institutional support to engage in global learning.
    • UMSON Goal: The School of Nursing will expand opportunities and support for student engagement in global learning activities, including through programs within UMB; with our international collaborators we seek to build nursing capacity, strengthen health systems, particularly in resource-limited settings, improve global health, and serve global communities through the lens of social justice. We will also expand the use of innovative technology to promote global engagement and provide broad access to online/hybrid education.
  1. UMB expands University programs that value, support, and celebrate the richness and expertise of international students, scholars, faculty, and staff.
  1. UMB provides enhanced operational support and a knowledge platform with which the schools and functional units align their programs and processes to develop global collaborations, track global activities, and share successes.